Can an Irish company own a Northen van?

Can an Irish company own a Northen van?

Hello, i am hoping you can help. I am supporting a R.O.I company, who have most recently hired a Northern Ireland based employee (Sales REP). We are looking to get the employee a company VAN, most of their work will be in N.Irl with some travel to border counties, but the VAN will be stored / parked in N.Irl overnight. (No Private Usage) . Can we buy a Northern vehicle (Not previously from G.B) pay VRT, and any other appropriate fees to Irish Revenue, be legally owned by R.O.I company , but still have a Northern Irish plate. (Separately i am looking for all Island Insurers) . Any other suggestions would be welcome

Our answer:

Hi Cathal,

This is quite a complicated situation and probably a little outside the remit of what we do. It would be best to run this past your own accountants.

I do know, though, that the vehicle could not stay on the Northern Irish plate if it has already been legally imported to R.O.I. with VRT etc. paid. 

Shane O'Donoghue

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